Winds of Change Consulting Presents:

The You Are Not Broken, You Are Recovering Beta Course

Feel present in your body again and move on from the painful memories of the past

Join me for this 3-month journey to...

  • Gain an understanding of your body, triggers, trauma, and how they relate to your mental health and healing 

  • Reconnect with your breath, body, and the wisdom that lives inside of you

  • Learn accessible somatic tools and practices to support your trauma recovery journey 

  • Explore somatic modalities safely and gently in your own time and pace


“Trauma victims cannot recover until they become familiar with and befriend the sensations in their bodies. Being frightened means that you live in a body that is always on guard. Angry people live in angry bodies. The bodies of child abuse victims are tense and defensive until they find a way to relax and feel safe. To change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past.”

-Dr. Bressel van der Kolk, Author of The Body Keeps the Score

Calling all survivors looking for a more embodied way to healing...

You've been to talk therapy, attempted to navigate the broken mental health care system, and are now wanting to explore alternative ways of healing

You’re ready to be free of your depression, dissociation, and depression

But as you’ve been diving deeper into your healing, your pain, anxiety, and discomfort continue to persist 

The lasting effects of the painful memories of the past

 You find yourself wondering - 

Is there something wrong with me?”, “Why  aren't I feeling any better?” or “Is it even worth it to try anymore?”

Unfortunately, many women today are going through exactly what you’re going through.  For far too long, our patriarchal society has abused, belittled, and conditioned women to believe that they are broken

Recovering from the trauma of the patriarchy can be isolating and challenging, but with the right tools and support, it doesn’t have to be.

Is this for me?


For Women 

This course is open to those who identify as a woman 


3 Month Hybid Program

This is a 3-month program offered partially LIVE online and partially PRERECORDED content accessed through an online hub


Beginner Level

This program is ideal for women who are new to somatic & nervous system  healing  

An Overview of Our Journey


Trauma Informed Care

Experience gentle healing with an approach deeply rooted in understanding and empathy with a trained professional. This container is designed with trauma-informed care principles, acknowledging the widespread impact of trauma and fostering an environment of safety, trust, and empowerment.


Somatic Tools & Practices

Engage in the transformative magic of somatic practices, where the body becomes the gateway to healing. Through breathwork, movement, and mindful exploration, I guide you to find the wisdom within, creating a harmonious connection between your  mind, body, and spirit. 


Module 1: Creating Safety

Here you begin to regulate your nervous system, learn accessible somatic tools, and gain an understanding of your nervous system and how trauma affects the body.

Lessons & Sessions Include:

  • LIVE 1:1 Breathwork Session

  • PRE-RECORDED Nervous System & Trauma 101 Lessons

  • PRE-RECORDED Somatic Tools & Practices Sessions

  • PRE-RECORDED Guided Meditation

  • LIVE Check-In Calls


Module 2: Getting Back Into the Body

Here you begin to reconnect with your body, your breath, and the wisdom within you.

Lessons & Sessions Include:

  • PRE-RECORDED Pathways Into the Body Lesson

  • PRE-RECORDED Moon Phases & Menstrual Phases Lesson

  • PRE-RECORDED Breathwork Session

  • PRE-RECORDED Guided Meditation

  • LIVE Check-In Calls


Module 3: Feeling Better & Moving On

The culmination of your journey! Here you will begin to gain an understanding of your triggers, incorporate the tools and practices you've learned into your day-to-day, and take action on your next best steps.

Lessons & Sessions Include:

  • PRE-RECORDED Triggers, Emotions, & Feelings Lesson

  • PRE-RECORDED Integration Lesson

  • LIVE 1:1 Somatic Integration Session

  • PRE-RECORDED Taking Action Lesson

  • PRE-RECORDED Guided Meditation

  • LIVE Check-In Calls


Your Investment

Special Beta Group Pricing!

2 Payments of $197.50 =

Your Guide


Riva Jean-Paul

Riva is an artist, a coach for women, and a trauma-informed somatic practitioner. She has been working closely with women and the body since 2015 as a dancer, creative director, fitness instructor, breathwork facilitator, and coach. In 2022, Riva began studying with a trauma specialist and has begun to transition her practice into trauma-informed care. Her approach to trauma recovery is a beautiful blend of spirituality, creativity, self-care, and a deep connection with the female body. Riva’s work aims to empower women to feel safe in their bodies again, take back their power, and move forward from the painful memories of the past. Riva specializes in circular breathwork, psychedelics, somatic experiencing, the moon cycle, and women’s health. As a perpetual learner, Riva's commitment to growth is woven into her ongoing education and practice and she is currently pursuing her Masters in Art Therapy & Counseling.

Riva's vision reaches beyond individual transformations; she dreams of a world shaped by resilient, connected, and empowered women leading the way. Her work is dedicated to fueling the rise of the feminine and the next women's revolution.

When she's not immersed in learning or fulfilling her life's purpose, you can find Riva cherishing moments with her husband and two cats. She finds joy in cooking, dancing, singing, and exploring new places, all while nurturing her body, mind, and soul.


Is this therapy?

No, this is not therapy because we will not be exploring memories of the past (although they may come up).  Rather, this course focuses on moving forward and creating a holistic lifestyle to support your healing.

What are somatic practices?

Somatic practices are body-based practices and very much differ from traditional talk therapy or mindset work.

How long will be offering beta pricing?

The beta group will run through at least the end of 2024!

What is a beta group?

As I am still learning, I am refining my frameworks, methods, and teachings.  I am looking for women to be actively engaged with the course, offering feedback about the course materials throughout the process so I can improve upon them for women to come.

More Questions?